Michael Divine

Writings :


Why I Vote (And Why You Should Too)

First World Problem Child (detail) - Michael Divine

The same old story: "Why vote? Voting doesn't make a difference. Politics isn't real. It's all smoke and mirrors. An illusion to keep you distracted." It's a common story - in one form or another - told by a disproportionately large section of people my age and younger. I'm 38. So that's a lot of people!

Getting people to believe that 'politics isn't real' is a great way to con a populace into apathy and inaction. Each group, each subsection of the population, seems to have it's own methods of doing so. It saddens me to watch people slip into sleep like that. Buddhism and Hinduism can use 'karma' - we are where we are and our lot in life is just our karma playing out, from the local to the national to the global level. It pacifies people. It keeps them from affecting changes. Christianity offers the carrot of eternal reward in Heaven and that God will judge, not man, so let things go. We all are guilty.

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