The Bricklayer’s Dream
Every painting I make is this months-long meditation on an idea or melody or a feeling. Each moment and movement - every visual motif and swath of color - is a thread that should be relative to the overall storyline. In some paintings, like Only Love Can, the threads lead to the highest most beautiful moment I can feel that has ever been felt (within the boundaries of the vision). The painting becomes this ever rising aria of light and beauty and love and joy and, ultimately, it's wonderful to paint.
Every time I pick up that brush again for the current painting I'm working, I step into this river of emotions and sensations that I’m directing to the most perfect vision of the vision on the easel that I can imagine, no matter how I personally feel. If I'm depressed or sullen and the painting is to be a thing, it's just the work to be done. In those times. it’s a good and nourishing meditation. When it's a painting of unfolding beauty, it's like the unwrapping of a precious jewel reflecting perfect light.