Michael Divine

Writings :


There Is No Place for Hate Here

First World Problem Child (detail) - Michael Divine

My public face is reasonably apolitical. I intend for my art and writing to inspire a brighter, more beautiful, and more hopeful world. I do my best, most times, to let it just be that. I think that there's so much in the way of politics already that I don't feel a need to bombard you with more. Afterall, as they say - if you aren't outraged already, then you aren't paying attention. And it's never been my intention to outrage you all the more.

But here's the thing: in recent days, the beast of racism, of sexism, of xenophobia has reared its head in this country in ways that I thought unimaginable. And it is all in the name of economics and politics. Those things ultimately - on their own, are not political. To call them "political" is to do a disservice to the humans who are affected by these attitudes every day. They are issues of hate and division and fear. While those are the tools of politics, they are not politics not in and of themselves.

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